The Centre is pleased to launch three resources to support teachers and schools marking Holocaust Memorial Day 2023 by leading discussion of its theme ‘Ordinary People’.

Based upon one image, one day, one moment, one turning point – the April Boycott, April 1st 1933 – this material provides stimuli discussion and activities for tutor time, lessons, an assembly, discussion and reflection, suitable for KS3, 4 and 5 groups.

These discussion and reflection stimuli are based on one image that enables learners and teachers alike to the past, learn more about the Holocaust and its impact on ‘Ordinary People’, and the ‘Ordinary People’ who came to be collaborators, rescuers, bystanders, collaborators or resisters. It is also a stimulus that encourages self-reflection, in the contemporary lens, to consider the choices and actions we take daily, today, as ‘Ordinary People’.   These materials look to support discussion in tutor time and are flexible to be used  across pastoral, curriculum and enrichment settings to enable ALL young people to consider the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust’s national theme. Learn more about the 2023 theme.

In addition to our materials and discussion questions, you may like to consider the opportunities HMD2023 provides for whole school literacy. Read more.

In coming weeks, we will be raising awareness of Holocaust Memorial Day by publishing guest blog posts and with social media engagement. Please do let us know how you are marking #HMD2023 in your school using our @UCL_Holocaust twitter handle.

A range of HMD resources and materials, events and initiatives can also be found via our HMD partner’s website – these are particularly helpful for thinking about genocide and mass atrocity more broadly, tackling denial, minimisation and distortion – so do check that out and see how it can complement your Beacon School work, UCL materials, citizenship, safeguarding and school values.


(image: Bundesarchiv Bild 102-14468, Berlin, NS-Boykott gegen jüdische Geschäfte)



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