In December 2010 the United Kingdom became the first member state to thoroughly revise, update and resubmit its Country Report on the state of Holocaust education to the intergovernmental International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance for International Cooperation on Holocaust Education, Remembrance and Research.

It was able to do so because of the groundbreaking research of the Centre into Holocaust education in England’s secondary schools, and due to the input of a number of other institutions working in the field.

The Report was introduced by Sir Andrew Burns, the government’s Envoy for Post-Holocaust Issues and was presented by Paul Salmons, of the Centre’s team.

Read the report and its appendices for a survey of the state of Holocaust education in the United Kingdom in 2010, the correction of myths and misconceptions, and for the key challenges and issues in teaching and learning about the Holocaust in our schools.

UK Country Report 2010

Appendices 1 and 2

Appendices 3 and 4

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