Since 2009, the UCL Centre for Holocaust Education has conducted world-leading research into teaching and learning about the Holocaust. We are delighted to announce the launch of a new national study with students and are looking for schools to take part.
Building on our landmark study about students’ knowledge and understanding of the Holocaust published in 2016, this survey is open to secondary schools across England:
- Students who complete the survey should have previously learned about the Holocaust at some point while in school (it doesn’t matter in which subject or year group).
- Ideally, we’d like schools to complete the survey online, but we can arrange paper copies if easier.
- All participating schools will receive a report focused on the findings for their school.
As well as exploring students’ knowledge of the Holocaust, there are also questions about where and when they have learned about the Holocaust inside and outside school, including what online content they draw on.
We will produce a report of findings for your school and send this directly to you (individual school reports won’t be shared with anyone else). Not only will this shine a light on prevalent misconceptions, but it can also be used to support future lesson planning and to demonstrate evidence-informed teaching. Additionally, a student report will be created, enabling young people to better understand the purpose, processes and outcomes involved in systematic research – a valuable insight given the proliferation of disinformation and misinformation that circulates online nowadays.
If you would like to find out more about the research, please contact the Centre’s research team: