Teaching History – special editions
Teaching History is the most prestigious journal for history teachers in the UK.
Members of the UCL Centre for Holocaust Education team, were invited to co-edit the Historical Association’s journal Teaching History in two special editions that explore innovative and effective approaches to teaching about the Holocaust in and outside of the classroom.
2010 – The Holocaust edition
This edition offers an important contribution to evolving thinking about the ways in which teaching and learning practices interpret the Holocaust. All the articles presented in this edition ask questions about the ways in which things have often been done, or make suggestions about doing things differently. The articles express a number of perspectives: those of classroom teachers, of teacher educators, of museum curators; and also – through the contribution of UCL – of specialists in Holocaust education.
Articles and features include:
- David Waters: Berlin and the Holocaust: A sense of space?
- Chris Edwards and Siobhan O’Dowd : The edge of knowing: investigating students’ prior knowledge of the Holocaust
- Peter Morgan: How can we deepen and broaden post-16 students’ historical engagement with the Holocaust? Developing a rationale and methods for using film
- Wolf Kaiser: Nazi perpetrators in Holocaust education
- David Cesarani: Polychronicon – ‘Adolf Eichmann: the making of a genocidaire’
- Kay Andrews: Finding a place for the victim: building a rationale for educational visits to Holocaust-related sites
- Alice Pettigrew: Limited lessons from the Holocaust? Critically considering the ‘anti-racist’ and citizenship potential
- Paul Salmons: Universal meaning or historical understanding? The Holocaust in history and history in the curriculum
Teaching History 141_December 2010
2013 – The Holocaust and other genocides
This special edition provides an opportunity to celebrate and share some of the work of our Beacon Schools. These schools work intensively and collaboratively with us in designing new approaches and classroom materials, then disseminating this new thinking to other schools. Distributed to every school in the country, we hope this edition will contribute to further innovation in teaching and learning about the Holocaust and other genocides.
Articles and features include:
- Tamsin Leyman and Richard Harris: Connecting the dots: helping Year 9 to debate the purposes of Holocaust and genocide education.
- Darius Jackson: ‘But I still don’t get why the Jews’: using cause and change to answer pupils’ demand for an overview of antisemitism
- Leanne Judson: ‘It made my brain hurt, but in a good way’: helping Year 9 learn to make and to evaluate explanations for the Holocaust
- Rebecca Hale: IOE national research – What do young people think and know about the Holocaust?
- Alison Stephen: Patterns of genocide: can we educate Year 9 in genocide prevention?
- Elisabeth Kelleway, Thomas Spillane and Terry Haydn: ‘Never again’? Helping Year 9 think about what happened after the Holocaust and learning lessons from genocides
- Mark Gudgel: A short twenty years: meeting the challenges facing teachers who bring Rwanda into the classroom
- James Woodcock: History, music and law: commemorative cross-curricularity
- Andrew Preston: An authentic voice: perspectives on the value of listening to survivors of genocide
Teaching History 153_December 2013