How can a schools Senior Leader (2012-20) make the most of Appraisal conversations? How can the UCL Centre for Holocaust Education continue to support CPD gatekeepers, SCITT/School Direct or TSA coordinators, especially regards ITE trainees?
For senior leaders in schools, especially those working with Multi Academy Trust, Teaching Schools and alliances, all the above CPD opportunities provided by the UCL Centre for Holocaust Education are relevant. Our suite of materials, CPD and twilight programmes and our research component are available to you and your staff. It may be of interest in SLT that we also offer a bespoke programme for ITE, though university PGCE, School Direct and SCITT providers, so should you be interested in partnering with us to offer a bespoke day for your trainees, or in enabling them to attend a locally scheduled day or event then please contact Ruth-Anne Lenga via or check out our courses and events page .
In addition, should you have community cohesion, antisemitism, hate crime, far right or safeguarding issues or whole school concerns, perhaps around criticality, emotional literacy, values, the impact of fake news, even Holocaust denial, then reach out to the Centre’s Nic Wetherall, , who can offer bespoke support for senior leaders, governors, LEA policy makers. Holocaust education cannot of course provide a solution to all those concerns, but it be a part of a package of provision and educational opportunity that can address/mitigate those issues in creative, meaningful and impactful learning environments.