How can an NQT or RQT make the most of Appraisal conversations? How can the UCL Centre for Holocaust Education support you?
For the newly or recently qualified, those teachers who are going to be teaching about the Holocaust for the first time in the coming year. Whether the curriculum demands they deliver a full scheme of work/learning on the topic, perhaps in History or RE, use a related case study in Social Science, explore a Holocaust inspired text, poem or play in English, MFL or Drama, or in a pastoral/tutor capacity to support whole school marking of Holocaust Memorial Day and so on, the prospect for NQT or RQT can be daunting. We know from our teacher research that 83% of teachers who teach about the Holocaust regard themselves as ‘self-taught’ with 77.5% stating they would welcome high quality CPD to help with this challenging subject. Identify this need in your discussion.
The Centre offers a range of FREE specialist and research informed full-day and twilight CPD opportunities; these Holocaust teaching and learning professional development events run at locations across the country and there is sure to be one in your region:
It is worth the appraisee doing so research in advance of the appraisal. Find a local UCL Centre for Holocaust Education course via our website and go to your appraisal prepared; state the personal development/T&L case for support, have the date and location of course to hand, emphasis it is FREE. Once you have secured internal permission to book during the meeting, then register via the Centre website.