How can a current Beacon School Lead Teacher (2020-21) make the most of Appraisal conversations? How can the UCL Centre for Holocaust Education support you, your colleagues and networks?
We would argue that the status of a Lead Teacher and Beacon Schools is strongly recognised and acknowledged in the appraisal process of that year, and the contribution it makes to the schools improvement plan. As a Lead Teacher you are making a huge commitment this academic year, attending a summer launch, skype group welcome, a London residential, Poland study visit and so on, so this is huge undertaking, a challenge and an opportunity that should be discussed at length. We would suggest that as a result, one of the Lead Teachers’ targets be linked to one of the programmes required elements; developing a scheme of work, embedding UCL pedagogy and research, assessment, developing a school network and hosting a successful CPD day.
Appraisal should be about personal development to help the department or facility move forward in support, or within the context of achieving the school goal (School Improvement Plan or whole school priority. This means appraisee targets/goals must be personal and developmental as the school is investing in people (its teachers), and by doing so, they are impacting upon pupil outcomes. Appraisal should therefore be holistic, cyclical, not linear or ‘either or’.
It is for this reason that Mary Myatt has advocated firmly that appraisal targets should NOT be numerical or purely data driven because these distort practice and undermine professionalism. George Croxford speaks of all staff appraisal targets being limited to three: outcomes focused, departmental (SIP) and personal development. So thinking about a target that would speak to the impact of your Beacon School participation would be legitimate to discuss at appraisal. Perhaps, there could be a focus upon tracking of PP or students with SEND progression and engagement (both qualitative and quantitative) or how Holocaust teaching and learning might engage the ‘hard to reach’. Alternatively, developing the scheme of work might be the opportunity to think about developing questioning, encouraging critical thinking or the quality and ratio of teacher talk, or something more holistic, student confidence, participation in lessons and so on.
As a Lead Teacher of a Beacon School you are in an extraordinary position to draw upon the Centre’s specialist teaching and research teams to enhance your schools and colleagues’ provision for and experience of quality Holocaust education. By partnering with us to provide an Unpacking the Holocaust CPD in your locality, you are demonstrating leadership skills, building networks to share best practice and to champion the Centre, the school and the importance of Holocaust teaching and learning.