The Centre is running a research project to evaluate the impact of the Centre’s CPD on students’ knowledge. If you have attended the Centre’s CPD courses and use the Centre’s lessons and resources in your Key Stage 3 teaching, then your students will be eligible to participate. All schools that participate will get a bespoke report of findings that can be used to inform lesson planning, as evidence of impact, and to show external organisations like Ofsted.

We’re looking for lots of schools to be involved and really hope you will consider taking part.

What does the research involve?

It will only take about 10 minutes of classroom time. Students will be invited to complete 12 multiple-choice questions after they have finished learning about the Holocaust.

  • Ideally the survey will be completed online, but paper copies can be provided.
  • We don’t ask students to give any personal information.
  • A member of the research team will send you guidance to oversee the survey, so you don’t need to worry about coordinating a research visit to your school and can do the survey on a day most convenient to you.
  • To be eligible to take part, your scheme of work needs to include some of the Centre’s lessons and resources, and at a minimum the Centre’s Timeline Activity. For further details of this activity see:

Please contact Dr Becky Hale if you would like to find out more about this research:

Ideally, students should complete the survey within a few weeks of learning about the Holocaust. If you’re planning to teach about the Holocaust later in the year, you can still email the Centre and we will make a note to contact you nearer to the time with further details.

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