UCL Centre for Holocaust Education and Yad Vashem  have come together to develop this unique MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) that offers educators innovative approaches to the challenges presented when teaching about the Holocaust.

Over the three weeks participants explore the history, delve into pedagogical challenges revealed by research, and find practical solutions for teaching about the Holocaust.

We are delighted that in our first run of the course we had over 2000 enrolments from 89 different countries and enthusiastic reviews from our participants.  You can hear from those participants on the first run of the course here.

Course introduction

The Holocaust was the murder of approximately 6 million Jews perpetrated by Nazi Germany and its collaborators. That this atrocity proved possible raises many complex questions which remain relevant for young people today.

During this course you will enrich your understanding of the history of the Holocaust, hearing from scholars at Yad Vashem, whilst experts from UCL will share their research into teaching and learning about the Holocaust.

By the end of the course you will have also considered innovative pedagogical approaches and resources, becoming empowered to develop your own material.

In partnership with: