Impact on teaching practice

In the ten years from 2009 to 2019, the UCL Centre for Holocaust Education has transformed the teaching of 12,477 teachers across England, and this number continues to grow.

“Excellent resources and a very new, fresh and visual way of teaching the Holocaust. It made me think about how I teach more generally in many areas.”

Since 2009 5,186 have particpated in Initial Teacher Education courses    

Systematically collected feedback of the Centre’s CPD programme has consistently found an extremely high level of satisfaction:

93% said the CPD supported their teaching of the Holocaust "a lot"

Teachers have told us:

“Making the Holocaust accessible to KS3 students is no easy feat. It is a harder feat to do so whilst still also maintaining great sensitivity and compassion. This CPD, in both its resources and its delivery, achieved both those feats exceptionally well.”

“It was one of the best CPDs I have ever been on. So many practical teaching resources given and explained. I now feel confident that I can make a positive impact when teaching about the Holocaust.”

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“Life changing, the best CPD I have ever been on both because of the content and because it was a superb piece of pedagogy.”