Beacon school member

Royal Wootton Bassett Academy (RWBA)

Quality Mark

It is fitting to end this Holocaust Memorial Day week (2022) with the announcement of our first ‘reaccredited’ Quality Mark Beacon School. Royal Wootton Bassett Academy was among the first schools to successfully achieve ‘Quality Mark’ status in 2017. This week the school secured ‘redesignation’ of its status – and we are delighted to reaffirm the school’s continued commitment to quality provision for, and experience of, outstanding Holocaust teaching and learning, but also its championing of talking and education about genocide and prevention, and human rights education is widely acclaimed.

Full details of RWBA’s established curriculum and enrichment offer regards Holocaust education and active global citizenship, will be available next term upon full publication of the report by Dr Andy Pearce. But we are thrilled to recognise Lead Teacher, Nicola Wetherall, her colleagues across the school and Head Teacher Anita Ellis, for their dedication, innovation, professionalism, and leadership – their values are lived and not simply laminated.

Both the below summary, and future full report, will evidence the range of outstanding practice embodied in the History, English and Physical Education  curriculum, the student RAD group, the willingness to partner and connect with other schools – truly being a ‘Beacon’ – working on innovative projects and special events; including annual HMD plans, the respect afforded testimony and the relationships built with the survivor community, the regard for research informed practice and the application of Centre pedagogic principles with their work.  We look forward to sharing more details soon.

Achieving Quality Mark status at any time is a significant achievement, to do so during a pandemic, is more impressive and commendable.  Successful accreditation is testimony to sustained hard work and innovation. It remains our pleasure and privilege to partner with the school, Nicola and colleagues, and to support RWBA’s work. We offer our congratulations to the staff, students, families’, and community of Royal Wootton Bassett Academy – on this Holocaust Memorial Day week it’s a timely reminder of what a school, a teacher, a community can do.

The Quality Mark scheme is a great way to celebrate and share best practice and is both developmental and forward looking. Beacon School alumni considering undertaking the Quality mark process should contact Head of External Relations and School Partnerships Nicola Wetherall or read more here.

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