Saturday, 22 June 2024

Join us for an enlightening online conference for teachers featuring a keynote address by Professor Sam Wineburg of Stanford University. This event will delve into the pressing issues emerging from the Centre’s most recent research and will be useful to classroom practitioners and pastoral leads. These include online disinformation, Holocaust denial and the complexities of teaching potentially traumatic history with vulnerable students. The conference will feature speakers from academia, the Holocaust education field and veteran teachers to discuss these challenging issues and share best practice.

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Starts from 22/06/2024 to 22/06/2024

Programme for the day

Dealing with Disinformation, Denial and Antisemitism
Presentations and panel discussion on the subject of combatting disinformation through the development of pedagogical and pastoral approaches, which reckon with the new environment of highly viral online disinformation.

Presentations from each organisation followed by a Q+A panel.

Will Gardner OBE – CEO of Childnet
Sam Hunt MBE – Assistant Head, Sandhurst Academy

Emotional Responses

Presentations and panel discussion on the challenge of creating spaces where students and staff can explore potentially traumatic histories safely.

Presentations from each organisation followed by a Q+A panel.

Dr Alasdair Richardson – University of Winchester
Laura Morgan – Venturer’s Academy
Charlotte Lane – Cornish Stories of Survival

Keynote Speaker

Professor Sam Wineburg (Digital Literacy, Historical Thinking and Holocaust education)


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