This session will take place via Zoom from 4.30–5.45 pm.

After booking your place, you will be sent joining instructions in the week leading up to live session.




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Starts from 25/01/2022 to 25/01/2022

As our research indicates, students commonly have misconceptions about the reasons Jews were targeted during the Holocaust.

This module will explore how to use the lesson Nazi Antisemitism: Where did it come from? to explore the roots of this historic prejudice, focussing on the deep history of the ‘longest hatred’ and identifying the myths and falsities that underpinned it. The session will explore the influences that drove this antisemitism as well as its change and continuity over time. The session will support you in identifying the essential knowledge and understanding your students should develop to challenge common misconceptions. It will also develop your students’ ability to critically engage with deep time and long-term causes.

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