Why do some commit genocide and others risk their lives to prevent it?
‘Being Human?’ a free evening event in Birmingham on Thursday 5th February will explore how you can make these challenging questions accessible to young people in your classroom.
- effective classroom approaches
- free teaching and learning resources
- food and wine reception
Even before they begin to study the Holocaust many pupils have well formed (but largely inaccurate) ideas about how it happened: strongly-held beliefs about the kinds of people who killed, those who ‘stood-by’, and those who tried to help. This practical workshop models powerful teaching resources that:
- engage your pupils, emotionally and intellectually
- challenge their thinking
- deepen their historical understanding
- raise profound questions about the world and about human behaviour
- help make your SMSC outstanding
- 17:00 – Registration, tea and coffee
- 17:15 – ‘Being Human?’ workshop
- 19:15 – Food and wine reception
Workshop led by:
Paul Salmons
Programme Director
Centre for Holocaust Education
Institute of Education
Central Birmingham location
The Birmingham workshop is now full. Please check our website for other dates and locations.