The UCL Centre for Holocaust Education want to hear from history teachers about their experiences of teaching about the Holocaust and related topics at both GCSE and A Level. Colleagues from UCL are working in partnership with Edexcel Pearson, AQA and OCR. We are very keen to know more about what is happening in schools and colleges who are teaching about the Holocaust as part of the GCSE and A Level specifications. This knowledge will inform us and our partners at the exam boards. Your responses are invaluable to us as we continue to support teachers and students covering this complex yet important topic.

The survey

Many of the questions in the survey are multiple choice but there are also opportunities for you to elaborate using the textboxes and open-ended questions. The survey will take between 20 and 30 minutes to complete, dependent on the level of detail you wish to give in your answers. You can skip any questions you do not want to answer. The questions will explore:

  • Which specifications you teach at GCSE and A Level which cover the Holocaust, or Holocaust related topics.
  • How much teaching time you spend teaching about the Holocaust at GCSE or A Level.
  • What content you cover when teaching about the Holocaust at GCSE or A Level.
  • Any challenges that you may have faced when teaching about the Holocaust at GCSE or A Level.
  • How confident you feel when teaching about the Holocaust at GCSE or A Level.
  • What support or resources you find / might find particularly useful when teaching about the Holocaust at GCSE or A Level.

Follow this link to complete the survey now:

Thank you for your time and support with this. If you have any questions about this survey please email Helen McCord at

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