We are running a study to explore the impact of the Centre’s CPD programme on students’ knowledge. We’re keen for as many schools as possible to take part so we can gather lots of insight into how the programme is related to students’ learning and if/where we can develop the CPD programme accordingly. The study is funded by the Department for Education and involves the following:

  • Key Stage 3 students completing 11 multiple-choice questions in a survey preferably completed online (but paper copies can be provided if preferred)
  • Students should complete the survey shortly after they have finished learning about the Holocaust
  • The survey is completed anonymously – students are not asked for personal information.
  • Participating schools will receive a summary of findings for their school, and this could be used as evidence of impact, to share with Ofsted and to inform teaching.
  • The aim of this research is not to make judgements about individuals’ teaching, but instead to give the Centre insight into how these lessons and resources contribute to students’ knowledge.
  • Even if you have taken part previously, you can participate again – indeed, taking part over a number of years will enable you to track trends in students’ learning

If you are interested in finding out more, then please email Becky Hale who will be very happy to provide you with more information to help you decide if you would like to participate.

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