“Whether it is the ignorant and aggressive rhetoric of those at the highest levels of government or the murderous actions of a racist Minneapolis police officer, the events of this past week painfully remind us that there are many in society who repeatedly fail to treat other human beings with the respect, empathy, understanding and dignity they deserve.

At the UCL Centre for Holocaust Education we are appalled by the killing of George Floyd and the deeply ingrained racist attitudes his murder represents.  At the Centre we are committed to challenging racism in all its forms.  As such we are heartened by the actions of those who continue to challenge injustice in our society and the many millions of people who this week have chosen to forcefully speak out against hatred, brutality and prejudice.  Margaret Mead once said, ‘Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.’ She was right.  We offer our deepest respect and sympathy to the family of George Floyd and we stand in solidarity with them and others who work towards creating a more just, tolerant and respectful society.”   Professor Stuart Foster, UCL Centre for Holocaust Education.

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