Updated resources

Many of you will be aware that in recent months we have been busy revising and updating our CPD resources and it gives us great pleasure to announce these materials are now available for download.

As a result of the review process all of our lesson plans now follow a standard format which makes them easy to use and provides you with the support and guidance you need. Each lesson plan contains a single page of key information, tighter and more concise breakdowns of lesson activities, and all are supplemented by detailed additional information where you can find pedagogical guidance, notes on historical context and PowerPoint walkthroughs.

Our lesson materials have been updated too, with our PowerPoints, worksheets, sorting cards and case studies all now boasting a clean, refreshed and contemporary look. Collectively we believe these changes make our resources more user-friendly for you and more accessible for your students.

To see these changes for yourself, and to download the latest resources simply log in to your account on our website and go to the ‘Classroom materials’  section, navigate to the session you are interested in, and on the session’s homepage click on the icons at the bottom of the page.

At present you can access new materials for most of our sessions, with updated resources for Being Human? and Resistance being released very soon.

More resources after the first CPD day

We have also increased the number of workshops and resources available as part of the first day of our CPD – now re-named ‘Core CPD’. If you have completed just the first day, you will be able to access the resources for Legacy of the Holocaust (previously part of Day 2).

Being Human? and Unlocking Antisemitism will now be offered as a flexible workshops, run during the day or as a twilight session, instead of part of a full second day, check the website for upcoming sessions. We believe that this will give far more teachers access to the full range of materials previously offered across two full days.

Open access resources

We have also increased the range of open access resources, available to all teachers, even if you have not yet completed our CPD. In addition to Ordinary Things, new resources in this section now include elements from our Pre-War Jewish Life workshop – German Jews and the Holocaust and Life in Plauen along with The Void – which considers the long-term impact of the Holocaust on the physical, cultural and political landscape of Europe.

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