This year Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) fell on 27 January – 72 years after the liberation of Auschwitz. To mark this important anniversary UCL’s Centre for Holocaust Education has hosted a Round Table Discussion between its staff and Holocaust survivors Ben Helfgott and Mala Tribich.

We were also joined by the leading Holocaust historian Professor Yehuda Bauer and his daughter Danit Cohen. Yehuda gave us a fascinating insight into new research relating to the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and Ben and Mala provided us with their reflections on the theme of this year’s HMD, How can life go on? The Centre Director, Professor Stuart Foster, made presentations to Ben and Mala for their significant contribution to Holocaust Education and Memory and also to Dr Nicola Wetherall on her MBE award for services to Holocaust and Genocide Education that she received in the 2017 New Year’s Honours List.

Y Bauer image 2

          The question: How can life go on? Is an important area explored by the Centre in its world class CPD programme. The question largely focuses around an examination of the extraordinary life of Leon Greenman – a London born survivor of Auschwitz. A new resource Living With the Holocaust is being developed by UCL’s Centre for Holocaust Education, together with USC Shoah Foundation, that will provide an interactive way of exploring the many facets and complexities of ‘surviving survival’.

Leon Greenman

   Leon Greenman

Beacon Schools remember: How can life go on? – Responses to HMD 2017.


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