
open access



Starts from 13/10/2015 to 13/10/2015

Our research shows that huge numbers of young people do not understand the role that Britain played during the Holocaust, even after they have studied the subject in school.

“These findings uncover widespread misconceptions about how Britain responded to the Holocaust. But more than this, they also reveal a fundamental lack of understanding about why this country went to war with Nazi Germany in 1939, which certainly had nothing to do with rescuing Jews from persecution and murder.” Paul Salmons, Programme Director of UCL Centre for Holocaust Education,

‘Britain and the Holocaust’, a free evening workshop in London on Tuesday 13th October, will explore these misconceptions with an overview of our research findings, a panel discussion with leading academics and a workshop with classroom materials to follow.


  • 17:15 – Registration, tea and coffee
  • 17:30 – Overview of Research Findings
  • 17:45 – Academic Panel Discussion: What did Britain know? How did the Allies respond? Could they have done more?
  • 18:45 – Q&A with Academics
  • 19:00 – Workshop, Classroom Materials
  • 20:00 – Food and wine reception

Workshop led by:

Paul Salmons Programme Director Centre for Holocaust Education UCL Institute of Education

Venue: Central London

Booking essential. The event is free of charge and places are limited to secondary school teachers.

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